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In a resounding display of commitment to academic excellence, the Nanyang Institute of Management's (NIM) academic team, which includes the Deans and Senior Lecturers, convened for a pivotal meeting to strategize and plan for the year. Led by the esteemed President, Dr. Zhang Xu Wei, the meeting focused not only on sustaining the current standards but also on propelling NIM's academic standing to new heights in 2024.
2024伊始,南洋管理学院为保证完成2024年更卓越突出的学术目标,在校长张旭伟博士的带领下,NIM召开了一次关键会议,学术团队老师们都参与到了此次会议,共同制定本年度学术的战略和计划。会议不仅重点讨论了如何保持现有水平,还讨论了如何在 2024 年将南洋管理学院的学术地位推向新的高度,为学生们带来更好的教学。
Dr. Zhang Xu Wei set the tone for the meeting by acknowledging the unwavering dedication of NIM's academic staff. He commended their tireless efforts and emphasized the critical role they play in shaping the institution's academic landscape. Dr. Zhang's motivational words resonated with the team, instilling a renewed sense of purpose. 在会议上,张旭伟博士首先肯定了 NIM 学术人员坚定不移的奉献精神,为会议定下了基调。他赞扬了老师们的不懈努力,并强调了他们在塑造学校学术格局方面发挥的关键作用。张博士激励人心的话语引起了团队的共鸣,为他们注入了新的使命感。 Following the President's address, Vice President Mr. Craig Albrightson took the floor, articulating the institution's expectations for the academic year ahead. Mr. Albrightson underscored the importance of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. He outlined ambitious plans for 2024, challenging the academic team to embrace fresh perspectives and elevate the quality of education provided at NIM. 校长致辞后,副校长 Craig Albrightson 先生发言,他在会议上阐述了学校对新学年的期望。Albrightson 先生强调了创新、合作和持续改进的重要性。他概述了 2024 年NIM的学术计划与目标,要求学术团队与时俱进,提升 NIM 的教育质量,始终把发展学术放在第一位,为学生提供高质量的课程内容。 "The year 2024 marks a new chapter for NIM, and our academic team is at the forefront of this transformative journey," remarked Mr. Albrightson. "We are not merely upkeeping; we are striving for advancements that will redefine our academic standards." 他在会议里提到:“2024 年标志着 NIM 翻开了新的篇章,而我们的学术团队正站在这一变革征程的最前沿。我们不仅仅是在保持现状,还要坚定不移的努力追求进步,重新定义我们的学术标准。” The meeting delved into comprehensive discussions about curriculum enhancements, teaching methodologies, and the integration of emerging technologies into the academic framework. Emphasis was placed on fostering an environment that encourages critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability among students. 此次会议里,讲师们全面讨论了课程改进、教学方法以及将新兴技术融入学术框架的问题。会议强调要营造一种鼓励学生批判性思维、创造性和适应性的环境,这样才能最大程度提升学生学习能力。