


学校地址:28 North Canal Road, Poh Heng Building, Singapore (059284)

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发布时间: 2023-12-25 09:29:50

In a remarkable gathering of global educational minds, Craig Albrightson, the Vice President of Nanyang Institution of Management (NIM), participated in an international forum on higher education on December 10, 2023. The event,  focused on the future of education amidst the ongoing digital transformation.

2023 年 12 月 10 日,南洋管理学院(NIM)副校长 Craig Albrightson 受邀参加了高等教育国际论坛并发表重要讲话,这是全球教育界人士的一次盛会,论坛上重点关注讨论正在进行的数字化转型中的未来教育。


The forum, held last Sunday, brought together esteemed academics and education professionals from around the world, including speakers from Harvard University and various countries across Africa, Europe, and America. This diverse panel highlighted the event's commitment to fostering international dialogue and collaboration in higher education.



Craig Albrightson, representing NIM, contributed to the discussions with insights into the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital era in education. His speech emphasized the need for educational institutions to adapt and evolve to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world. His participation underscores NIM's commitment to being at the forefront of educational innovation and international collaboration.

Craig Albrightson 代表 NIM 南洋管理学院在此次论坛中就教育数字化时代带来的挑战和机遇发表了见解。他在发言中强调,教育机构必须不断适应和发展,才能在瞬息万变的世界中保持竞争力。他的参与也同时力证了 NIM南洋管理学院致力于始终走在教育创新和国际合作前沿的承诺。


The forum addressed key topics such as the integration of technology in education, the development of global educational standards, and the promotion of cross-cultural academic exchanges. The event served as a platform for sharing ideas and best practices, aiming to shape a more interconnected and technologically adept educational landscape.


The successful conclusion of this international forum marks a significant milestone in the global conversation about the future of higher education. With leaders like Mr. Craig Albrightson at the helm, NIM continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the educational paradigms of tomorrow.

此次国际论坛的圆满结束标志着全球高等教育未来对话的一个重要里程碑。在 Craig Albrightson 先生这样的领导者的带领下,相信NIM 将继续在塑造未来教育模式方面发挥关键作用,南洋管理学院学术成就将得到更卓越的突破。