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咨询热线: 4008398686

Nanyang Institute of Management is deeply honored to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Tus Business School, marking the commencement of a collaborative venture that holds immense promise for the future.
热烈祝贺南洋管理学院与启迪商学院(Tus Business School)成功签署谅解备忘录(MOU),这标志着双方的合作项目正式启动,为未来带来了无限希望。
The formalization of this partnership was graced by the presence of Dr. Zhang Chaozhong, President of Tus Business School. Dr. Zhang Chaozhong engage in discussions with our Vice President, Mr. Wilson Ang, further solidifying the foundations of this significant collaboration. 启迪商学院院长张超中总裁出席了此次合作仪式。张超中总裁与我校副院长Wilson先生进行了讨论,进一步巩固了此次的合作。 This MOU signifies a dedicated focus on fostering excellence in the Bachelors and Masters of Business Administration programs, complemented by our esteemed York St. John University certificate. The overarching goal of this collaboration is to nurture high-quality, internationalized talents equipped with a global perspective. 这份合作备忘录标志着双方将致力于培养卓越的工商管理学士和硕士课程,此次合作的总体目标是培养具有全球视野的高素质国际化人才,相信南洋管理学院的双联课程也将得到更大的突破。 As we embark on this journey with Tus Business School, we eagerly anticipate the exchange of knowledge, cultural insights, and the collective effort to shape the next generation of business leaders with a truly international outlook. This partnership symbolizes a commitment to excellence and a shared vision for the advancement of education on a global scale. We look forward to the opportunities and achievements that will unfold through this collaborative endeavor. 当我们与启迪商学院一起踏上这段旅程时,我们热切期待着双方教育的交流、学术的提升以及塑造具有真正国际视野的下一代商业领袖的共同憧憬。这种合作关系象征着双方追求卓越的承诺和推动全球教育发展的共同愿景。我们期待着通过这一合作努力所带来的特别的机遇和成就。