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Nanyang Institute of Management Signs MOU with Technological University Dublin
In a momentous stride towards fostering global collaboration and academic excellence, Nanyang Institute of Management (NIM) proudly announces the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Technological University Dublin. This strategic partnership sets the stage for a dynamic exchange of ideas, resources, and opportunities, enhancing the educational landscape for both institutions.
2023 年 12 月 6 日,南洋管理学院(NIM)很自豪地宣布与都柏林理工大学签署合作备忘录 (MOU),此次签约开创了我校与都柏林理工大学合作的新领域,深化学生交流项目,全面建立战略伙伴关系。为两所学府的教育领域增添了活力,进一步加强了我校与世界顶尖大学的实质性的合作!
Left to right: Dr. Robert Flood, Head of International Affairs of Technological University Dublin,Dr Zhang Xuwei, President of Nanyang Institute of Management, Dr. Dominic Dillane, Head of School of Tourism and Hospitality Management of Technological University Dublin, Mr Craig Albrightson, Vice President of Nanyang Institute of Management 从左到右:都柏林理工大学国际事务处负责人Robert Flood博士,南洋管理学院院长张旭伟博士, 都柏林理工大学旅游酒店管理学院院长 Dominic Dillane 博士,南洋管理学院副院长克雷格先生 The MOU encompasses various collaborative areas, underscoring the commitment of NIM and Technological University Dublin to the global advancement of education. 该备忘录涵盖了多个合作领域,强调了南洋管理学院和都柏林理工大学致力于全球教育进步的坚定承诺。 By partnering with Technological University Dublin, NIM aims to create a global learning ecosystem that prepares students to thrive in an interconnected world. Join us as we embark on this exciting journey of collaboration, it is indeed our honor to gain recognition globally. 通过与都柏林理工大学合作,南洋管理学院旨在打造一个全球学习生态系统建设,为学生在日益 紧密相互联系的世界中茁壮成长创造条件。加入我们,共同踏上这场令人振奋与无比充实的合作 之旅,能够与国际上顶尖大学合作确实是一件让我们引以为傲的大事件。我们携手前行,致力于 为我们的师生、校友以及学术研究搭建起更宏大的网络,创造出更多样的机遇!