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School of Tourism and Hospitality Team Bonding Retreat
A memorable team bonding retreat spearheaded by Mr Raymond Khoo, Dean of School of Tourism and Hospitality, a group of 34 students went on a team bonding retreat at Changi Yacht Club Chalet. This retreated provided students with an opportunity to connect beyond the classroom setting.
2023年11月20日星期一,南洋管理学院 - 旅游与酒店管理学院院长Raymond Khoo先生带领34名旅游与酒店管理专业的学生举办了一场别开生面且难忘的团队联谊活动!此次活动在环境宜人的东海岸樟宜游艇俱乐部木屋举行,我校学生积极响应参与了此次活动。通过此次活动,学生们收获了满满的快乐,体会到了团队精神,让大家更加懂得团队的重要性。团队联谊活动总结 - 快乐活动,收获满满!
The day kicked off with an array of engaging team-building activities carefully curated to foster collaboration, communication, and trust among the students. From challenging problem-solving tasks to outdoor games that tested both physical and mental agility, the students actively participated, showcasing their teamwork and camaraderie. 这次活动从一系列精心策划的破冰团建节目拉开序幕,促进学生之间的协作、沟通和信任。无论从具有挑战性的解决问题任务还是到考验身心敏捷性的户外游戏,学生们都积极参与,展现了团队合作的精神和感染力。 The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the barbecue session that followed the team-building activities. Students gathered around the grill, sizzling up a delectable feast while sharing laughter and stories. The aroma of grilled delights filled the air, creating an atmosphere of conviviality and joy. 当天的重头戏无疑是活动尾声的烧烤环节。学生们欢聚在烧烤架旁,一边享受着美食,一边分享着欢乐与故事。空气中除了弥漫着烤肉的香气,也充满着欢乐和惊喜。 The team bonding retreat at Changi Yacht Club Chalet was more than a day of games and barbecue; it was a celebration of unity, friendship, and shared experiences. Such initiatives play a vital role in fostering a positive and supportive learning community within the school. 此次团队联谊活动不仅仅是一天的游戏和烧烤活动,它更重要的作用在于通过体验探索性训练的过程让学生们深深体会到个人与个人、个人与学校、个人与大自然的关系,发掘自我潜能,从而产生一种积极向上的人生观!同时也激发个人潜能,增强自信心,克服心理惰性,磨练战胜困难的毅力,让学生们更能客观的面对在新加坡学习与生活的挑战!