


学校地址:28 North Canal Road, Poh Heng Building, Singapore (059284)

咨询热线: 4008398686

发布时间: 2023-11-08 15:58:17

Attending the first ever ASEAN-China-India Youth Leadership Summit


Our students were thrilled to attend the first ever ASEAN-China-India Youth Leadership Summit held at BCA Academy. On October 31st, 13 Nanyang Institute of Management students had the unique opportunity to connect with peers from various countries at this event. 

热烈祝贺第一届东盟中国印度 青年领袖峰会2023 (可持续发展)(1st Annual ASEAN-China-India Youth Leadership Summit)在新加坡顺利完成,来自东盟十国和印度、中国等12个国家的180名优秀年轻人(每个国家15名)在新加坡度过了一个美好的时光,还遇到了来自我们中国的优秀选手们,NIM为你们骄傲。陈永汉博士和他的团队做了非常有意义的一个事情,为优秀的青年人创造更优秀的平台,再次祝贺。



This event brings together more than 3,600 tertiary youths across the region to explore the important topics of cross-cultural understanding, entrepreneurship and sustainability. The ASEAN-China-India Youth Leadership Summit is a dynamic platform that unites young Asian leaders from across the region for a vibrant and collaborative future.

东盟-中国-印度青年领袖峰会是一个充满活力的平台,它将来自该地区的亚洲青年领袖团结在一起,共创充满活力和协作的未来。本次活动汇集了全球3600多名高等教育青年,这一为期 6 天的首届大型活动将东盟、中国和印度的青年团结在一起,共同应对当今时代最紧迫的可持续发展挑战。峰会以 "可持续发展--城市生活 "为主题,安排了一系列精心策划的活动,如可持续发展知识竞赛、论坛、创业马拉松总决赛等。


The summit started in July, where our School of Engineering student, Nyan Win Shein, and his five teammates from Myanmar participated in the ‘Sustainability Startathon: Country Rounds’. Together, they addressed the issue of food waste, proposing innovative solutions to transform it into a valuable resource.

我们的工程学院学生Nyan Win Shein和他的5名来自缅甸的队友参加了“可持续发展创业马拉松:乡村之旅”的主题项目,他们共同解决了食物浪费问题,提出了将其转化为宝贵资源的创新解决方案。


We managed to interview Nyan Win Shein with Ms Thong, Assistant Dean, School of Engineering about his experience in this competition. 

我们采访了Nyan Win Shein和工程学院代理院长Thong女士,深入了解他们在此次比赛中获得的经验。


Nyan Win Shein and his teammates made a commendable journey through two highly competitive rounds, and Nyan also took the initiative to attend additional talks organized by the Summit. We celebrate their dedicated efforts to promote sustainability, inspiring fellow students to embrace creativity and environmental responsibility.



Nanyang Institute of Management has always focused not only on providing students with high quality academics, but also encourages students to actively participate in various large-scale and meaningful activities in the community, representing Nanyang students in the international arena, Nyan Win Shein, a student in the Faculty of Engineering, is a good example, and we are looking forward to the future of many more students to be proud of their achievements.

NIM南洋管理学院一直以来不仅专注于为学生提供高质量的学术,同时也非常鼓励学生们积极参与社会各类大型且有意义的活动,代表着南洋学子们在国际的舞台上发光发热、崭露头角。工程学院学生Nyan Win Shein就是很好的榜样,我们期待着未来还有更多的同学取得令人自豪的成绩。