学校地址:28 North Canal Road, Poh Heng Building, Singapore (059284)
咨询热线: 4008398686

York St John University visits Nanyang Institute of Management
What a joyous day it was at Nanyang Institute of Management as we were honored by the delightful visit of York St John University! The morning ushered in the arrival of our partners, Professor Robert Mortimer, the Pro Vice Chancellor, and Lei Wang, the International Development Manager.
热烈欢迎约克圣约翰大学代表团访问新加坡南洋管理学院,这是多么愉快和丰富的一天行程!代表团成员有约克圣约翰大学副校长Robert Mortimer教授和国际开发经理Lei Wang先生等。
Our leaders; President, Dr. Zhang Xu Wei, Vice President, Mr. Wilson Ang, and Academic Vice President, Craig Albrightson greeted them with a warm welcome.
新加坡南洋管理学院校长张旭伟博士、副校长Wilson Ang先生以及学术副校长Craig Albrightson先生向代表团成员表示热烈欢迎。

The meeting was marked by discussions about our ongoing partnership, the incredible journey of our students pursuing YSJU programmes, the exciting prospects of upcoming graduation, and more. Witnessing our rapid growth and the bonds of collaboration deepening is always something we look forward to.

Our distinguished guests had the unique opportunity to explore our vibrant campus, immerse themselves in the student experience, step into classrooms, and share insights during a special session with our MBA students. The day was filled with enriching interactions and productive exchanges.

It was, indeed, a fruitful and heartwarming catch-up. We eagerly anticipate the next visit from our friends at York St John University, as we continue to strengthen our partnership and foster a thriving educational community. Thank you for being a part of our journey.