学校地址:28 North Canal Road, Poh Heng Building, Singapore (059284)
咨询热线: 4008398686

2023 Singapore-China Forum on Healthy Aging and Urban Sustainability and China-ASEAN Belt and Road National Healthy Longevity Science Conference
(November 7-9, 2023, Singapore)
Conference Announcement
Dear esteemed researchers and experts,
In 2022, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and the National University of Singapore collaboratively organized the inaugural ‘China-Singapore Forum on Urban Population and Health Research’. This event garnered positive reactions and exceptional feedback from scholars not only in China but also in Southeast Asian nations. Building on this foundation, the Society of Behavioural Health Singapore is pleased to organize a follow up academic event in 2023, and Nanyang Institute of Management is determined to host this conference. Our goal is to further enhance academic exchanges between Singapore and China, as well as between China and the ASEAN countries.
In response to China's "Belt and Road" initiative, and with the aim of fostering mutual development and cooperation of academics between China and the ASEAN countries, the 2023 Singapore-China Forum on Healthy Aging and Urban Sustainability and ChinaASEAN-Belt and Road National Healthy Longevity Science Conference will take place from
November 7-9, 2023 in Singapore. Co-organized by the Society of Behavioural Health,Singapore, National University of Singapore, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, hosted by Nanyang Institute of Management, the conference seeks to elevate research capabilities and enhance academic exchanges in related fields.
We extend a warm invitation to researchers specializing in aging and related research from Singapore, China, and other ASEAN nations to join us for this important event. We will cover topics such as population aging, healthy longevity, urban studies, and sustainable development, emphasizing cutting-edge theories and the latest technological advancements.
The conference aims to deepen communication and foster academic collaboration between Singapore and China, as well as between China and ASEAN nations.
We eagerly await the opportunity to welcome you to the beautiful city-state of Singapore!
2023 中新健康老龄研究合作论坛
暨 中国-东盟“一带一路”国家健康长寿科学大会
2022 年,上海交通大学医学院与新加坡国立大学合作召开了首届中新城市人口健康政策研究发展研讨会,取得了中国和东南亚各国学者的积极响应和良好反馈。在此基础上,2023 年新加坡行为健康学会希望参与并协同组织下一次新中老龄研究研讨会,进一步扩大新加坡与中国之间以及中国与东盟“一带一路”国家的学术交流。
为此,响应中国“一带一路”倡议,为实现中国与东盟各国的共同发展、互惠互利,促进和加深双方在老龄健康研究合作领域的发展与建设,不断提升科研能力、管理水平,由上海交通大学医学院、新加坡国立大学、新加坡行为健康学会、南洋管理学院共同主办的2023中新健康老龄研究合作论坛暨中国-东盟-“一带一路”国家健康长寿科学大会拟于2023年11月7-9 日在新加坡召开。大会主题是健康老龄和城市可持续发展 (Healthy Aging and Urban Sustainability) 。我们诚邀来自新加坡、中国以及其他东盟“一带一路”沿线国家及地区的从事老龄科学研究工作者共襄盛举。
新方联系人:Kaisy YE女士(kaisy.ye@nus.edu.sg)
会议地址:Nanyang Institute of Management 28 North Canal Road, Singapore 059284
2023 Singapore-China Forum on Healthy Aging and Urban Sustainability and China-ASEAN Belt and Road National Healthy Longevity Science Conference
(November 7-9, 2023 Singapore)
Conference Agenda
Day 1 (Nov 7, 2023)
Venue: Nanyang Institute of Management, 28 North Canal Road, Singapore, 059284
9:00-9:30am: Opening remarks(Moderator: Dr. Feng Lei)
- Speech by Prof Li Chunbo
- Speech by Prof Brian Kennedy
- Speech by a representative from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
- Speech by Dr. Zhang Xuwei, President of Nanyang Institute of Management
- Speech by Ms. Susan Tan, President ofthe Society ofBehavioural Health, Singapore
9:30am: Gift to guests of honors
9:40am: Group photo
9:45am: Tea break
Morning Session
10:00- 11:00am: Keynote speech by ProfAris Ananta (Moderator: A/Prof Feng Qiushi)
11:00am: Tea break
11:15am- 12:15pm: Session 1 of oral presentations
12:15pm: Conference lunch
Afternoon Session
2:00-3:00pm: Session 2 of oral presentations
3:00pm: Tea break
3:15-4:15pm: Keynote speech by Prof Bruno Vellas (Moderator: Prof Li Chunbo)4:15pm: Tea break
4:30-5:30pm: Session 3 of oral presentations
5:30pm: Conference dinner, paid participants only
Day 2 (Nov 8, 2023)
Venue: Nanyang Institute of Management, 28 North Canal Road, Singapore, 059284
Morning Session
9:30- 10:30am: Keynote speech by ProfLu Jiehua (Moderator: A/Prof Feng Qiushi)
10:30: Tea Break
10:45-11:45am: Session 4 of oral presentation
11:45-1:30 pm: Conference lunch
Afternoon Session
2:00-4:00pm: Round-table discussion on research collaborations, invited participants only (Moderators: Prof Li Chunbo, A/Prof Feng Qiushi, and Dr. Feng Lei)
Day 3 (Nov 9, 2023)
Venue: National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge Campus, Singapore, 119077
10:00-12:00pm: Campus visit
- Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS
- Centre for Family and Population Research, NUS
12:30-2:30pm: Lunch meeting, invited participants only