学校地址:28 North Canal Road, Poh Heng Building, Singapore (059284)
咨询热线: 4008398686

Celebrating Harmony and Peace
Finally putting restrictions past us, we’re able to come together as a school once again to celebrate Racial Harmony Day. This special day was hosted by two very talented students, Win Khin Khin and Lhyan Wai Myat from the School of Tourism and Hospitality.
近日,我们相聚在学校一起庆祝种族和谐日。这一特殊的日子由两位非常有才华的学生主持,他们是来自旅游与酒店管理学院的Win Khin Khin和Lhyan Wai Myat。
It was weeks in the making where students from different countries came together to showcase their ethnicity, culture and heritage on this special day.
We have students representing Singapore, China, India, Myanmar and Vietnam, to offer their cultural activity, putting up performances specific to their countries, partake in the ethnic costume competition, and even showcase the taste of the diverse cuisine.
Head of School of Tourism and Hospitality, Mr Raymond Khoo, took the opportunity to hand out the certificates for students who took part in The Malay Arts Festival Batam in June, and soon after, the performances began!
我校旅游与酒店管理学院院长Raymond Khoo先生还借此机,还为6月份参加巴淡岛马来艺术节的学生们颁发了证书,颁奖结束后,表演就正式开始了!
Cultural Extravaganza: Embracing Diversity
We first have a performance representing Singapore, singing a nostalgic song of “The more we get together”. It was such a simple song, yet when delivered in different languages? It is indeed what Racial Harmony is all about!
首先新加坡代表组的表演,她们演唱了一首怀旧歌曲《The more we get together》。这是一首如此简单的歌曲,但当用不同的语言共同表达时,这就是种族和谐的真谛!
Coming in next was the India team’s performance, the dance that got everyone tapping on their feet, to feel the energy of the performers!
Next, we had team China performing a song that represents friendship, by the very famous song ‘Friends’, by Wakin Chau. That song and emotions in the song, lighted up the atmosphere in the room!
After which, the Vietnam team sang to their hearts’ content for ‘Vietnam Oi’, the rhythm made everyone clap along and even sing? That’s how catchy the tune was!
Last but not least, we had the Myanmar’s team dancing their traditional dance for us. The students decked in bright yellow costumes showed us how delightful the culture is!
It was nothing short of a bang before they split up for the gastronomical corner! At the different booths, we were able to see the variety of foods from different cultures.
Spring rolls from Vietnam, sweet treats from Singapore, spices from India, and the widespread Chinese food, as well as the crispy fritters and mouth-watering Mont Kyar Si from Myanmar.
越南的春卷、新加坡的甜食、印度的香料,以及丰富的中国美食,还有来自缅甸的脆油条和令人垂涎的Mont Kyar Si。
A Grateful Salute
None of this would have been possible without the unwavering dedication of our organizer, Mr. Audie Wee from the School of Tourism and Hospitality. Their vision, guidance, and tireless efforts paved the way for this extraordinary celebration for the school.
如果没有旅游与酒店管理学院的Audie Wee先生为首的组织者们坚定不移的奉献精神,这一切都不可能实现。他们的远见、领导和不懈的努力为学校的这一非凡庆典铺平了道路。
As we reflect on this jubilant occasion, let us carry its essence forward, embracing the lessons of unity, respect, and understanding that it embodies. May the spirit of Racial Harmony Day continue to inspire us as we journey together towards a more harmonious and peaceful world.