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MOA Signing with Netherlands Business Academy, University of Applied Science
热烈欢迎Dr.David Dai携荷兰NLBA商学院院长Martin教授、助理韦德教授、瑞士维多利亚管理学院院长德马克教授、教授瑞琪一行莅临新加坡南洋管理学院交流,并签署合作协议。
We’re proud to have build strong connections with different part of the worlds and today, we had the honor to sign an MOA with Netherland Business Academy(NLBA)University of Applied Science.
Dr. David Dai, Vice rector Asia of Netherlands Business Academy and our President, Dr Zhang Xu Wei signed an Memorandum of Agreement(MOA)for the two schools to collaborate.
我们很自豪能够与世界各地建立牢固的联系,今天,我们有幸与荷兰NLBA商学院签署了MOA,建立了更紧密的合作。在共同见证下,荷兰NLBA商学院亚洲区副院长Dr. David Dai与我校校长张旭伟博士签署了合作备忘录。
The MoA marks the collaboration for NIM and NLBA, where we will be carrying NLBA’s Bachelor of Business Administration & Masters of Business Administration in International Trade & Logistics Management.
It is in our pride to establish robust connections with diverse regions around the globe.
Craig Albrightson, El Namaki, David Dai, Martin Greefhorst, Dr Zhang Xu Wei, Ricky De Werk, Jozepha Geurts, Wilson Ang, James Zhang.
1. Speech by the President of Nanyang Institute of Management
2. Speech by the University Leaders of the Netherlands Business Academy
3. Brief Conversation between Both Parties
4. Signing of the MOA
5. Group Photo Session for Commemoration
6. Campus Tour
7. Lunch
1. 南洋管理学院校长讲话
2. 荷兰NLBA商学院校领导讲话
3. 双方简要交谈
4. 签署合作协议
5. 合影留念
6. 校园参观
7. 午餐
We look forward to the promising prospects and mutual growth that this collaboration will bring forth for both our institutions and the students we serve.